Begum Jaan is a 2017 Indian Hindi period show film. It is composed and coordinated by National Film Honor winning executive Srijit Mukherji and delivered by Mukesh Bhatt, Vishesh Bhatt and Play Excitement. The film is co-created by Sakshi Bhatt and Shree Venkatesh Movies with official maker Kumkum Saigal. The cinematography is finished by Gopi Bhagat. Verses, extra screenplay and discoursed have been penned by Kausar Munir and Rahat Indori.
The film was discharged on April 14, 2017 Vidya Balan assumes the lead part of a house of ill-repute's madam, set in the background recently Indian Freedom time of 1948. It is a Hindi revamp of the widely praised Bengali film Rajkahini (2015). The film figured out how to recoup its expenses and turned into a normal grosser.
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